Grow your business

Get new clients arround you
Expand your exposure, increase appointemnts
Get your employees to be organized fast and occurate
Don't waste time between services, don't let your clients wait

Run your salon online

- Using Lepsha Web Studio, you can manage your salon from home or any place where you have access to internet and mobile devices.
- Monitor appointed treatments.
- View statistics of income by time, by employees, by services...
- Manage services, promotions

Online Scheduling

Probably the most important feature for your clients is the possibility of online scheduling. Using the free Lepsha mobile app, your clients can see your services, promotions, earned points, history of their treatments, recommend and share your services on social networks. Next to each service is the button "Schedule". In a few clicks, they can choose the quantity, select the employee, date, time and schedule the treatment. After your employees approve or cancel the treatment, the client will receive notification.

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Get your salon listed today

in just a few easy steps

Sign Up

(8 characteres at least)

Add the salon details

(Used by your clients to contact you eventualy)

(Full international format)

(Up to 3 characters or simbols)

(Used for Lepsha studio web app.)

(up to 250 characters)

Select logo

Add the salon location

Congratulations!! You become visible in Lepsha apps.

At the moment your salon become visible to people arround you.

Login to Lepsha Studio, add your employees and services and you'll be ready to receive appointments online immidietly

If you need any kind of help for using Lepsha, feel free to email us at

Go to Lepsha Studio

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